• "Is there something wrong with me?"
    I say coldly to his face
    In the end I know what he can see
    Only ugliness and disgrace

    The love I had for him is no more
    He just stares at me in disgust as I cry
    I suddenly crumple to the floor
    I feel like everyone wants me to die

    "Am I ugly?" I suddenly scream
    He just looks at me with his eyes welled with tears
    I want this to all be a horrible dream
    But we both know it is real, to both our fears

    He sits next to me and takes my hand
    I pull away and because i'm scared as he can tell
    I don't want him to beat me or give me another painful brand
    He has already put me through so much hell

    That is when I grab the knife
    It's not like anyone needs me anyway
    He tries to stop me as I take my own life
    But now he won't have to see me and my ugly face another day