• Pushing the blade
    to my wrist,
    wondering how it came to this.
    The cold sting
    of the metal,
    blood falling like a rose petal.

    A shiver runs
    down my spine,
    after a few cuts I'll be just fine.
    I start feeling
    lighter the deeper I go,
    my vision blurring as I watch the blood flow.

    All these cuts
    criss-cross like stitches,
    sharp objects and blood have become my riches.
    I never intended
    for it to be this way,
    but why I can't stop is hard to say.

    Pushing the blade
    to my wrist,
    wondering how it came to this.
    The cold sting
    of the metal,
    I have fallen like a rose petal.


    Well.. I was thinking about how I've been labeled as "emo" or "goth" sometimes.
    and I started thinking of the line
    "Pushing the blade to my wrist."
    & I just went from there.
    I also just finished reading a book called Cut by Patricia McCormick,
    so that also inspired me to write this.
    No, I have never cut myself. People only label me as "emo" or "goth" because of what I wear, my makeup, and the music I like.
    If you struggle with self-harm, there is help.
    I know life is hard, and I may not know exactly what you're going through,
    but I do know nothing is worth you taking your own life or hurting yourself.
    Comment & Rate please!(: