• You think is was just today don't you?
    Well it isn't ...
    After being told such things and being pushed around
    I don't have much left.
    If you want the rest just take it and
    leave cuz' my hope had died on me ...

    That moment when you came out with someone else it killed me.
    Needing you badly, but yet you think I started it all.
    It was you that pushed me away.
    It was you that left me out, and led me the wrong way.
    It was you that treated me wrong...

    Everything that I have done for you and everything you've done for me,
    just ended up in the dump.
    I know others will treat me good,
    Won't leave me when I'm alone.

    I really wanted to join and you knew that.
    But ... you chose her. Just to win this game.
    Can I ever forgive you or should I just hate forever?
    Filling my head with pain hating the fact I had to hide this all to you.
    I never had the guts to tell you the truth.

    Can we be friends or am I too late?
    Can we start over but remembering to never leave or lie or hide anymore?
    Can we just move on?

    No, no I can't, too much damage has been taken on me already,
    and lies still lay between my hopes and dreams.
    But not being mean at all...
    But, I'll still love you...
    Even when the light has been broken and life fades away.