• I've known you since first grade yet, I hardly know you at all.
    You sit there quietly and I can't help but long for your smile, your laugh, your gentle voice.
    I wait patiently but it hardly ever pays off, but you surely speak up and make me laugh when I'm sure I'm going to cry.
    You know all about me, my strengths, my weaknesses and you haven't hurt me yet.
    I admire from afar and up close too, but sometimes, even when you're smarter than me, you haven't got a clue.
    You make me smile when I'm blue then you turn around and tell me things that make me sure it's truly you.
    Now I'm sure I love you, but I'm not sure how to say.
    When you're near me I feel complete and when you're gone I am empty.
    For now we are just friends but I hope, pray, and dream of something more.
    You never make me feel horrible, always better.
    I try to understand but you hardly let me in so there is nothing I can do but feel rejected and left out.
    You're understanding, but I'm afraid it's not enough.
    You're understanding of my feelings but you don't show you truly understand how I feel about you.
    I've never seen you angry and I've never heard unkind words from you.
    Sometimes I feel drunk on kindness, high in love, and protected by warm summer breezes in your arms.
    You look like you are waiting for the thing I wait for you to say.
    We are both nervous but I hope you'll say it first.
    If you haven't then I will now.

    I love you.

    There, now it's out in the open, no taking it back.
    It isn't so painful is it?
    If it is then I'll stop.
    If you need time I can wait, just don't keep me waiting too long.
    If we need to, for now, we will remain friends.