• Little voice
    Way in the back
    Screams for help
    Desperation in her voice
    She’s losing control
    A little at a time
    Of herself
    And everything she’s been hiding
    Rage and hate
    Indescribable fear
    Confusion that panics
    Nowhere left to run
    Other voices overpower
    Tired of caring
    Screw the consequences
    Let it all go
    Who needs this world
    Where nothing lasts
    Everything falls apart
    And everyone lies
    Bring the end
    Of all she’s known
    Turn away
    Give in
    Nothing left
    No starting over
    She cries
    Without tears
    And dies a little more
    So persuasive
    So free
    Unencumbered by the chains
    That hold her down
    One drop of love
    One drop of hope
    One drop of faith
    All that’s keeping her together
    She clings
    With all she has
    To what little is left
    Of her humanity
    Praying someone will come along
    And rescue her
    Before she’s beyond saving