• Save Me

    Look deep within my eyes.
    Tell me what do you see.
    Is it the pain, the blood, or is it the memories?
    Do you see the animal inside taking over me?
    Or do you choose to look away?
    Leaving me behind, like a stray.
    Do you see it clawing at my heart?
    Ripping and tearing my own self apart.
    Do you see its eyes burning right through?
    Or are you too afraid to look at me as I look at you?
    Listen to my voice.
    Tell me what your hearing.
    Is it the call of a prisoner trying to break free
    Or is it the whisper of a young girl's last plead?
    Do you hear me rattling the bars?
    Crying out loud to anyone near or far.
    To help me break these chains, trapping me inside.
    I can not break free no matter how hard I try.
    Can you even hear me at all?
    Or do you just ignore my call?
    Feel my heart.
    Is it still there for I can not hear it beating.
    All I hear is how its bleeding and grieving.
    Grieving for someone to save it from defeat.
    Trying to hold on to its last and final beat.
    Or do you hear not one sound?
    Am I no where to be found?
    Or am I forever trapped and lost in my own insanity.
    Please can anyone save me...