• Dear Diary, you know the answer so tell me please,
    Just who is this girl in the mirror, and who am I?
    My mind wanders through thoughts of who I might be,
    But eyes just can't stop the tears and I begin to cry.

    So maybe my name starts with an 'A' or 'B,'
    But tell me please before it's to late,
    It shatters my heart into pieces and soon I know they will see,
    Don't close their eyes to reality and let me gain some fate.

    My voice is silence because they don't even stop to hear,
    The screams in my nightmares that are real,
    The things that run down my eyes day by day, that most call tears,
    But I'm hoping in time my heart will be bruise-free and it will heal.

    I'm tired of their voices I hear every single day,
    I've stopped complaining and stopped raising my voice to be heard,
    When they talk and tell me off I just roll my eyes and look away,
    I just wanna grow some wings and fly away just like a
    dove or bird.

    When I go to sleep they come in to see if I'm okay,
    I pretend I'm sleeping and act dead,
    Maybe not dead because the questions will replay,
    But I silently hope I will be, because of the reasons not spoken but the ones in my head.

    I can keep running if that's what they want but eventually my legs are gonna give out,
    My heart will rumble and roll with me every single time,
    I will pick up the pace if I need to and have no doubt,
    I will look through the darkness and listen for the chimes.

    I can't stop the questions that never come to an end,
    They say I have anxiety and depression all because I have no friends?
    They don't know who to beleive so they beleive the lies,
    I keep telling them each and every day but they wont stop to realise.