• Drink form the poisoned grail,
    Willingly welcome your prolonged death.
    Fell life’s sweet breath slip away,
    Fade happily to black.
    You time is overdone,
    You’ve had your fun.
    Treasure you last thoughts,
    The last heart beat you hear,
    At the end of your dying day,
    Hold everything near.
    To the sick and the withered,
    To the eyes that eternally cry,
    To the hallowed and empty,
    We all need a chance to die.
    To fully understand what it means to live,
    You must taste your own flesh,
    In your last, feeble, beautiful dying last breath.
    You think your pulse has quickened,
    But in truth it has slowed,
    You think you feel the suns warm glow,
    But in truth you are barley a lingering soul.
    What you really feel,
    is a new door awakening.
    But for now just rest,
    Take a deep sweet breath,
    Let you heart beat slow,
    And fall.
    Fall into calming black,
    Breathe out,
    And don’t breathe back.
    Now, you have truly lived.