• Love, it's a strong word.

    They say that it's supposed to make you happy or make your heart soar.

    Sometimes though, it can make your worst fears come to life.

    A lot of people say that True Love is hard to find but when you find it, it'll be your life's beginning.

    Others say that when that fateful day comes, you'll lose yourself and die.

    I think that love is a shadow that some people just can't find when all they have to do is turn around and see what's right in front of them.

    On that night, that time of darkness and despair, everything....it just drifts away from you in your time of need...

    Everyone asks me what i think about love and I just reply " I think that love doesn't make people happy love makes them understand who they truly are and what purpose they have in this dark world.

    But when you know who you truly are and what you desire to become...

    On that moment of truth...You lose it all within the depths of your tortured soul.

    So what do I think? I think love is another way of saying hate...