• I know I am a little naive -I don't need you to tell you that
    I'm not experience, not sensitive, not smart
    Yet -in some ways I am a little more mature
    Through how I act
    How I confer

    You know nothing about me
    Nothing about every other people
    You -living in your own cynical world
    never knew; how imperfect our life really is
    Yet you continue to blame
    You continue to judge

    You haven't experienced half of what I'm going through
    Not as sensitive to the people you care most about
    Not as smart to even recall a few
    of the never-ending lessons in this life

    What do you really want?
    You are more than capable to grab
    everything you need,
    everything you want

    Why cant you see that the weight is a gift?
    The curse is a blessing?

    Open your eyes wider than you think you are capable of
    Because sometimes you just need to learn from the dumb
    To see this world in a slightly brighter way