• i hide in a place
    a place of no return
    where no one sees the pain
    no sarrow for all you think
    you see is of what you understand

    i live in a place
    a place where lies share
    my truth is what of the only
    the only that cant bbe told
    you will never understand

    i cry in a place
    a place that i hate
    where my shame is open
    where my hate is only
    for myself , that of tears
    you wont ever understand

    i smile in a place
    a place where your happiness
    has reached me far alive
    i feel alined like everything
    is going to be fine
    You might understand after all

    we love a place
    a place only for us
    a time that no lies nor ugly truths
    can harm, i can no longer hate
    for i can only feel your kisses
    the warmth of being in your arms
    and the impression that stays
    for your love is what has showed me
    that you finally understand