• I speak to you with a grave and level voice, considering the fact that I stuck between the bindings of this book. Spellbound for crimes I haven’t committed… well, I say it wasn’t my fault. You ask how it all happened? How I ended up in this mess, in this book?

    Ha! Think again! I don’t think you’re worthy of knowing these facts, these memories I hold within this book. These very words, locked away so that I could only read.

    Don’t look at me with those wondrous eyes.

    Oh how I wish to reach for those pretty little eyes of yours and pull them out from their very socket, leaving behind nothing but the stems that connected them to that very skull of yours….

    But that is just a wish and nothing more…

    Why do you continue to stare at me with those hideous eyes? Don’t think I fancy them just because you decided to pick up this book from the bookshelf, not realizing that this book holds nothing more but I roaming along these pages.
    Are you even reading the very words that are in front of you? PUT THE BOOK DOWN! I’m not going to tell you anything I said!

    You want to hear the ending of this book? I’m just blabbing on and on.

    Go on, check it out.

    Go on I said, look.

    You didn’t look, did you?

    What’s wrong with our eyes? Are they glued to watching the next word after this one or this one even?

    Don’t you have something better to do then watch these words? Why don’t you go out in the humid air and walk your dog? Hold on… do you smell that… is that you? By God how awful that stench is! I can smell it through these pages! It’s breezing through like an infested, deceased cat that’s been in your closet for weeks! I bet you forget you even had one!

    OH GOD HOW AWFUL IT IS! I can feel it burning the very words off my pages! PLEASE put me down! You’re killing me! My poor brain cells! Thousands of them screaming, burning, dying and disappearing in place!