• ~* My Handkerchief *~

    I don’t know what to say
    Didn’t mean to do it
    An accident I could say
    But a lie it would be

    Don’t tell me its ok
    I know its not
    Silence is unbearable
    Your eyes make me cry

    It will never be alright
    I can never go back
    The cuts are too deep
    Singes are to brazen

    You hold my hand
    But I can feel you tremble
    Skin feels cold and clammy
    Say anything I beg

    Your voice cracks
    Tears fall down with sorrow
    I tried to tell you but I couldn’t
    The words stayed in my throat

    Suns will continue to rise
    Stars will always shine
    Just remember is whispered
    The wind shuffles and leaves break

    It might have been fate
    But I made the choices
    Never would I change anything
    Memories will always be held

    I can’t bear to see you like this
    Just let go and take a breath
    We will meet again I promise
    Hold this life closely and tighter

    I didn’t hurt or feel pain
    Smile for me and please
    Use the handkerchief I gave
    And go smell my flowers…

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