• "I hate you!
    I hate how klutzy you are!
    How you always fall or trip!
    How you always seem to do it!
    I bet you do it for attention!
    I hate how slutty you dress!
    How you always flirt!
    How you always get the guys' attention!
    Don't interupt me!
    I hate how hyper you get!
    When you hug your friends-- guys or girls-- when you see them!
    How you laugh!
    It haunts my brain!
    It's so soft and delicate!
    It hurts!
    How perfect you are!
    You have everything!
    A family that lets you do whatever you want, whenever!
    Guys that like you,
    A perfect body!
    I want you gone!
    If I can't get you off this planet,
    I want you out of my life!
    Say what you want!"
    I say what I needed to,
    Almost a whisper:
    "I don't trip and fall on purpose...
    I don't flirt on purpose, I just say what I want if it has to do with the subject to make them laugh, I didn't even know I had any guys' attention.
    I only hug my friends,
    Because they hug me back,
    They needed it and wanted it..
    I don't have a perfect everything,
    I can only do what I want whenever,
    Because my parents are hardly home...
    That's all..."
    She calms herself,
    "I'm sorry," she says, softly, in awe, she didn't know this,
    No one did...
    She steps forward to hug me.
    I step back.
    "You wanted me out of your life," I whisper, "I'm gone now."
    I don't wait for her response.
    I just walk down the hallway..
    I turn around, "I am not perfect," I say, "I have my insecurities, and my faults. I'm just like you. Human.''
    "Krista," she says and jogs up beside me. "That's the only thing I like about you,
    You are truthful."
    "Save it for later.." I sigh.
    I walk away, no turning back this time.