• Your cold breath sent shivers down my spine
    I see nothing but darkness
    Your taking control,
    Your taking control

    The light of day is diming
    All I see now is your red eye
    We're locked in a cell for eternity
    Dead and dry

    As I sit here in solitude
    I wonder whats to become of me
    Unattended by your cold gaze
    I wonder whats to be

    The days are growing longer,
    We continue to sit in this cell
    My days are growing shorter,
    I refuse to admit it, I refuse to tell

    So I refuse to speak,
    You refuse to grant me freedom
    So I sit here like a rat,
    Awaiting your frustrated call

    You insufferable rat!
    Where arth thou!?

    Coming master!
    Don't be alarmed!
    The plans are ready!
    The plans are set...

    Through the pain through the suffering,
    I swear i'll never tell,
    For this is my secret
    My Bloody Lock.