• The color of your dazzling blue eyes
    Such mysterious beauty makes me think
    Can such a boy fill me with colors of bright pink?
    Or will we never be and sever the ties
    Nonetheless, I refuse to believe such lies

    There might be hope for us yet
    All it will take is a fresh, clean start
    It won't be like before where time tears us apart
    This time, I am truly and honestly set
    Such memories flood me like the day we met

    We were frienemies, nor loving or hate
    Minding our things, me to mind and you to yours
    Soon your laugh and smile is what lures
    Now time seems shorter of the late
    I must find out if you are my soul-mate

    I yearn for dreams of the night
    Drowning in the image of your smile
    Threads of red cotton and thin fabric is your style
    I await the time I see you in daylight
    To see your eyes and welcoming arms tonight

    It's not enough to see a mere copy in my head
    But i prefer the sweet, warm, real one
    Talking and laughing with you would be fun
    That's my goal, to follow the oath you lead
    Time won't make me forget what you said

    You said 'Don't you forget'
    'Forget what?' I chime
    Your voice rose like an angel's hymn
    'The things we did when we first met'
    I smile to myself; I'll never forget...