• You come close to me,
    tickling my mind as it searches for for the words to speak.
    Words that are already there,
    but somehow you leave me speechless; a soundless whisper stirring my heart.
    Your lips meet mine, and your tongue slips between my lips; a delightful taste consuming my senses.
    Your touch is oh so gentle and sweet.
    Moving your soft hands over my body.
    Running them along my stomache and over my breast.
    My nipples rise between your delicate fingertips.
    Breathing deeply I savor the moments you touch my skin.
    I lie down for you, surrendering completely in your arms.
    Transported by love we are connected deeply with hardly a word spoken.
    Sometimes with just a touch; your a kiss we both know our souls are eternally as one.
    You know my heart better than I; capturing the essence of my mind in your eyes, a rare gift I treasure.
    Your journey downward.
    Your tongue following my body's delicate lines and finding my navel.
    Drifting across my skin and over my thighs; revering my body with your mouth flooding my senses to your will.
    Your lips meet mine once again.
    Tickling my mind, soul, and body.
    Searching for the words to speak that we are now as one.