• Thank you for being,
    Such a friend to me,
    Always accepting me,
    Never denying me,

    Thank you for being,
    Such a friend to me,
    Now that my tears,
    Are falling on this page,

    Thank you for being,
    Such a friend to me,
    But they've taken you away...
    So who will I turn to?

    Who will I cry to?
    Now that your not here,

    The tears that are falling,
    My friend,
    You can't wipe them away

    Smearing the ink apon this writing,
    Letting my soul dry out,
    Allowing my heart to feel empty..

    Thank you for being,
    Such a friend to me,
    I just regret not telling you

    You ment so much,
    I ment so little,
    Now that your gone..
    I just regret not telling you...

    What you ment to me..