• In todays' day and time,
    it's easy to lose sight,
    of the true meaning of Christmas
    and one special night.

    When we go shopping,
    We say "How much will it cost?"
    Then the true meaning of Christmas,
    Somehow becomes lost.

    Amidst the tinsel, glitter
    And ribbons of gold,
    We forget about the child,
    born on a night so cold.

    The children look for Santa
    In his big, red sleigh
    Never thinking of the child
    Whose bed was made of hay.

    In reality,
    When we look into the night sky,
    We don't see a sleigh
    But a star, burning bright and high.

    A faithful reminder,
    Of that night so long ago,
    And of the child we call Jesus,
    Whose love, the world would know