• Too much time in this world

    But never enough to live

    I’m left alone again

    With tears and scowls and laughs

    To no one in particular but

    To everything and nothing all at once

    Wondering whether I should cry or laugh

    Is it the end, or something

    I never thought could happen

    And what I expected all along

    In the end, life just aint for me

    Too much pain and heartbreak

    Cause I know I’m just too weak

    But you taught me to fight so I’ll

    Keep on battling even though

    You have given up the fight

    So I’m on my own till someone joins me

    But nothing will be the same

    Everything is changing now

    It’ll probably kill me but

    I’d rather die alone anyway

    Cause there just isn’t enough time

    For losers just like me

    It’s the strong ones who will pave this road

    And I can watch from above

    Who can they turn to?

    Who will help them on their fight?

    Lies and tricks and hatred

    Or love and trust and faith

    Why did you stop fighting?

    Why did I stop fighting?