• Lightning

    I've been stricken
    by a lightening bolt
    from Zeus
    telling me that
    I love you
    kid from my school.

    My dream of you
    runs of the umbrella
    from the rain,
    into my hand
    catching it like
    a baseball the pitcher
    threw at me
    scarring my flesh
    with only but a red

    You let me in front of you
    in comparison to a kid
    cutting you in line
    in first grade,
    you let me.

    I strum my guitar
    like you strum my
    heart's veins
    the constant vibration
    runs into the ground
    like it does onto my stomach
    causing the acids to fly
    around freely
    and burn the sides.

    I cried.
    What for?

    "You're a fool, Montag!"
    Carrying the burden
    of hurt from one.
    An illiterate one.

    You're great
    but so unattractive.
    That's when
    the lightning hit my
    back and
    struck the nerves
    making the hair
    stick up straight
    like when you
    are pleased by me
    and blood runs to your

    I wish I could
    try to give you what
    you want
    but specifically...

    we all know it's
    and that you want to be
    but your mother doesn't
    because she's to busy
    your dad
    I don't have a dad so I don't
    either so I just want to watch you
    onto those feelings and
    to make them happen

    I've been stricken
    by a lightening bolt
    from Zeus
    telling me that
    I love you

    I love you.

    I love you...