• As the world moves on
    I feel like I’m stuck in time
    It’s like I can’t get your face
    Out of my mind

    As I struggle to live
    And even just breathe
    The pain and memories
    Wash over me

    As life moves on
    I am stuck in time
    It’s like I can’t get your face
    Out of my mind

    My memories are like quicksand
    The more I struggle the more I sink
    As long as I think
    The memories make me sink

    As I sink
    I think
    And I think
    I think of the days past
    And how life moves fast
    The quicksand is sticky
    The quicksand is deep
    The longer I struggle
    The deeper I sink

    Though the quicksand has hold
    I know that won’t always be so
    One day those memories will let go
    And the quicksand will lose its hold