• Heaven help me,
    What dark damnation came upon me as I slumbered,
    What dark dismal blood drenched horrors,
    Whose tight seals wrest asunder,
    Claimed my mind as stock and store.

    First there be fraud then folly,
    Filling up an empty valley.

    Then with murder in a token tally,
    Filled this familiar blood-drunk valley.

    Darkness came upon the sill,
    Waiting, waiting,
    Watching, watching,
    For my bodily faith to be falling.

    And his king still was calling,
    Like a thousand mountains,
    His words falling,
    Calling, calling
    For my soul to join him in dark abyss.

    Them that entered were claimed away,
    Further reddening that day,
    Oh, so close,
    But far away.

    "Oh, heavenly lord! Father of all glorious things I see!"
    I cried, to my knees falling, calling on my faith
    And Christianity.
    "Deliver us from damnation,
    Those have fallen near the reddened valley floor!"

    This I cried to the grayed heavens,
    Then with black darkness became accosted
    In words chillingly spoken.

    "The listening grate of god be close'n to
    To those fallen on the bloodied valley floor!
    You that recognize the darkness,
    Spilt a strangers blood more of more,
    Belong to my master forever more!"

    Hearing these words disturbingly spoken,
    Cried for want or token,
    Preyed to the father up above,
    Wanting only divine loves token.

    Silence followed,
    Shrill and sharp,
    With blinding deafness,
    Stole my senses.

    This blind silence was then broken,
    With hazy voice again spoken—
    "Now you fall with those soft bonds broken,
    Affording only dark and dismal damned token,
    Of a heart bleakly and carelessly broken!"
    The darkness laughed,
    Leveling his dimly shining blade at my heart.

    "Now join thyself in sorrow unbroken,
    With not but pain and agony's token
    To carry us to the depths of hell!"

    And with these words shockingly spoken,
    I felt my pulse slacken,
    Growing still in silence beating
    Till the darkness laughed no more.