• The sides of S.I.N. and B.O.O. collide
    Taking all of the fight in stride

    The side of B.O.O. is lead by a clam
    When really we couldn’t give a damn
    A dark mistress is our sworn leader
    With our help no one can defeat her

    The side of B.O.O. is defended by
    A pointy stick? I wonder why
    Anyone would want a stick
    You might as well use a toothpick

    The side of S.I.N. is by far
    The better choice, you know we are
    Our side is loyal, our side is true
    Our side is just better than you

    The side of B.O.O. lets down their guard
    The side of S.I.N. is working hard
    The side of B.O.O. is filled with chagrin
    When the side of S.I.N. will steal the win