• I said that it's over
    But what's this hang-over?
    Why do I fear?
    When someone gets near?

    Is this mere infatuation
    What I felt that situation?
    Or is this a realization?
    From this confused commotion.

    How will I know?
    How does my heart will flow?
    The idea gives me a blow
    But reader do you know?

    My head spins around.
    All realities abound
    The truth is like a hidden mound
    Whose treasure is yet to be found.

    She is a mystery
    That entices my entity.
    I feel so unlucky
    That she doesn't like me.

    Accept it or not
    Forget her or forget her not
    I know that I cannot
    Forget her like that.

    But some part of me
    Tells me this clearly
    "You know it vividly
    You are not meant to be."

    My mind says
    "Go! Move on!"
    The heart opposed
    "Stop! Hang on!"

    The mind replied
    "Oh please don't be such a stupid dunce!"
    The heart defended
    "No, there is still a chance!"

    For now I don't know
    What has to be known
    But for sure, here's one thing
    "She is my EVERYTHING!" heart