• he's all i can ever think about,
    when i close me eyes i see him,
    then when i open my eyes i want to cry because he's not really there,
    I just come on to gaia to talk to him now,
    i don't really care about anyone else,
    I look into the sky and wonder what he is doing,
    if it rains i wonder if it raining where he is,
    if it's sunny i wonder if it is where he is,
    when it's dark and i'm upset,
    i just think to myself,
    that someday i might just meet him,
    and the skies seem to brighten up,
    at night when i go to sleep i hope that someday i will fall asleep in his arms,
    i know hardly anything about him,
    but i really think i love him,
    I hope that if we meet he likes me for how i am and not what i look like,
    I just am so afraid that I will end up like i did in the last relationship,
    being left back,
    cold and lonely with only my tears to keep me company (that line is kinda cheesy),
    i just keep wondering about what w will do together and what i will do to keep myself going until the next day,
    so i can talk t him,
    each day the options get smaller and smaller,
    hope one day to meet him,
    I really do love him,
    I hope he feels the same.