• I love strawberries very much,
    I think they are delicious.
    If you take away my strawberry,
    then I will turn quite vicious.
    With a very sweet yet tart taste,
    I enjoy it enormously.
    I'll crunch the seeds with my front teeth,
    and swallow happily.
    Black berries are okay sometimes,
    and other berries too,
    but the strawberry is the best berry
    that I will often chew.
    Yes, I crave strawberries a lot,
    and sneak' em for a snack,
    And my parents will ask me where they've gone,
    They'll ask me til I crack.
    That red lil berry is so divine,
    that I feel like I'm in heaven,
    So I'll have one, or two, or three
    or five, or six, or seven.