• These crumpled up love notes
    Left to fend for themselves
    In the depths of my closet
    They once held significance
    Didn’t they?
    At least I thought they did
    About four years ago
    That’s what the last note dated
    In your perfect penmanship
    What about the first?
    I think it went something like this:
    “Roses are red, violets are blue
    I like you, hope you do too.”
    Check yes, check no
    Isn’t that a sweet cliché?
    Yeah a bit elementary
    But it got me hooked easily
    So without clearly thinking
    I must’ve checked yes if memory serves right
    So what happened next?
    The usual dating scene
    Just another lovey dovey couple
    Topped with stuffed bears and roses
    Countless magic kisses
    Doesn’t that sound like perfection?
    Blinded by stupid Cupid
    I overlooked the talk around me
    Rumors and dumb gossip
    Of his scandalous betrayal
    So how did I discover the truth?
    Let’s just say he needs to learn
    How to use a napkin properly
    To wipe off the beads of sweat
    Don’t forget the lip marks on your cheeks
    What did I do?
    I gave him quite an earful
    Most of the neighbors heard me
    Not that I cared in that state
    Too depressed and utterly damaged to speak correctly
    Where did he run off to?
    On some misfortunate occasions
    We sometimes meet eye to eye
    I don’t hold grudges for long periods
    It’s just too weird to start a conversation
    Am I heart broken?
    A bandage can hold for only so long
    Until eventually it starts to peel off
    That’s what a first aid kit is for
    To protect and heal a scab until it’s just a scar