• The bruises, the tears,
    The cuts, the fears,
    Of all you’ve done,
    That’s what haunts me most.

    And knowing,
    That somehow, someway,
    You might find a way out,
    That thought scares me.

    I got sick of dealing,
    With the pains,
    And worries,
    You gave me.

    So I did something,
    That I would get out,
    Get away from you,
    And that house,
    Leaving with it,
    All the memories,
    And thoughts,
    Associated with you.

    It worked too,
    For a while,
    But occasionally,
    Your voice haunts my dreams,
    Your image clouds my mind,
    Making me not want to sleep.

    I say I don’t need help,
    But it’s just,
    That talking about it,
    Seems to make it worse.

    I wish,
    I could just put everything,
    Your voice,
    Your images,
    Your actions,
    I wish I could put it all behind me,
    Let it all go,
    And just get on with my life.

    But I can’t,
    All because of you,
    You’ve scarred me,
    Not my body,
    But my heart,
    My pain will never end.