• laying here i realise the strength of my love for you.
    the strength of a love satisfied by just the look.
    the look in your beautiful eyes.
    so wise.
    so true.
    even when not knowing what to do.

    the summer days float away
    the days of fall not to be delayed
    the words that roll through my head
    as i listen to a song all to close to my heart
    "im just a singer your the world.
    all i can bring you is the language of a lover.

    the words so strong
    so true
    bringing tears to my eyes
    gripping at the bearings of my soul

    not sure why this song for so long;
    everytime i lay back and listen to the words
    i begin to think of the words you once whispered in my ear.
    the words i long to hear
    the words i begged for
    but never heard againand here

    i lay the singer with out her world
    no longer able to speak the lauanguage of a lover
    lost in the sea of leauges to infinite in number
    "you once danced naked just for me
    you exposed all memory
    you were the ghost or royalty imposing love
    you were the queen and king combining everything

    breaking the most of boundaries
    and letting me to lay alone
    watching the beautiful
    "bella luna"
    watching the beautiful
    "beautiful moon"