• I am the lonely girl you will find crying herself to sleep at night but plastering a smile on her face every morning.
    I am the depressed girl you find sitting in the corner by herself and no one bothers to notice.
    I am the shy girl that always is afraid of rejection and never takes the time to try.
    I am the outcast of all groups having not to fit in.
    I am the one girl that understands your pain but you never bother to talk.
    I am the girl that helps anyone in need yet no one thanks me.
    I am the sad girl that hugs herself in the corner as the blood drips from her vains.
    I am the smart girl that has a great future but is punished for being so emotional.
    I am the quiet girl that keeps her thoughts to herself.
    I am the angry girl that strikes out at random times to releave the pain.
    I am the patient girl that see's the good in everyone.
    I am the perfectly unperfect girl with a broken heart.
    I am the suicidal girl you hear about on the news.
    I am the girl you never bothered to talk to.