• I'm lost in space; I cannot describe
    Exactly where, just inside
    A black and blue and green and grey
    Hole that seems, to make it's way.

    I suddenly drop down from space, onto the earth's surface.

    I'm lost in the ocean; I cannot describe
    Exactly where, just inside
    A purple, black and blue and black
    Crushing atmosphere; and that is that.

    I finally swim to the shore.

    I'm lost in a city, I cannot describe
    Exactly where, just inside
    Yellow and orange and lavender bounds
    It is just me, not a single sound.

    I suddenly find a nice small house.

    I'm lost in my bed, I cannot describe
    Exactly where, just inside
    A bundle of warmth, a lovely place
    To curl up and sleep, without a trace.

    And now, I sleep forever.

    I'm lost in heaven, I cannot describe
    Exactly where, just inside
    A bright, wonderful, fascintaing memory
    That is what I call heaven, where angels sing to me.