• In the Depths of the darkness of life there are many lights
    From the homeless man on the side of the road
    To the Love of your life
    To your buddies at work
    No depth of the darkness cant be uncovered
    Nothing cant be overcome
    When your with that light

    There are few who stray
    They stay in the same dark place
    Unable to see the lights of friends or loved ones
    These are the ones who need the light the most
    There are few who would help someone like this
    But to those who have helped
    One like me unable to see in the darkness
    I ask you keep moving

    The hearts lights have long been extinguished
    You are not the first I have pushed ahead to save them
    It may feel like a punishment but all we want is to see the way ourselves
    We who stay know that we were or still are a light for a few but
    We realize we are just a small Stepping stone to their true destination