• I hate you,

    the truth is bittersweet,
    like blackberries picked beyond ripeness,
    a love game we've been playing,
    but never understood the rules.

    I hate you.

    The truth is, I hate you,
    sweet lady of October mist,
    unprepared for the cold rain of November,
    a waking fantasy come to light.

    I hate you.

    Dear Anonymous lover,
    whom I have not identified yet to be mine,
    2 faces behind a single name,
    an identity as one... For two?

    I hate you.

    The truth is, I hate you,
    I hate the way you kiss my cheek,
    waking into gentle morning,
    and the way you tread into the night.

    I hate you.

    I hate the way you care about everyone and everything,
    other than yourself,
    and the way you understand everything,
    while the world around you fails to to understand the true you,

    except for me;
    I hate the way you turn under the sheets,
    and I hate the hate the special feeling you give me,
    when I'm around you in the night.

    I hate you.

    I hate your laugh,
    your smile,
    your flair,
    and the way you twirl your hair,

    like celestial black cobwebs,
    floating in ancient skies,
    and I hate the way you say my name,
    like it means something.

    I hate you.

    And you can't understand it,
    though you understand it all,
    because the truth is,
    there's nothing to understand.

    I hate you.

    There is no reason for my hatred,
    like everything else, it simply exists,
    I hate the way you breathe,
    and the way I love you,

    but mostly I just hate you.
    I hate the way you choose to live,
    not only your way of life, but also your will to survive.
    Because I hate the way you don't love me back.

    I hate you.