• Every man has his guardian angel to be found...
    and i never thought i possible for anything to be as beautiful as mine...
    she is my siren that doesnt make a sound...
    and to her perfection she is totally blind...
    5 her beauty is surpassed by no other...
    nothing to evem come CLOSE...
    Everyone must be jealous of her...
    she is so beautiful, a simple look at her is enough to overdose...
    it leaves me floating...
    10 like a piece of lumber upon a lake...
    im not even joking...
    her beauty is not something that make-up can make...
    after her im truly doting...
    because she is nothing that is fake...
    15 to look into her eyes is truly amazing...
    they may be brown, but they are one of kind...
    look into them, see how the are truly captivating...
    within them is light so bright, its enough to leave any man blind...
    see them gleam in the light?
    20 see them sparkle while she does that ADORABLE giggle?
    those eyes are bright enough to light up the night...
    NOTHING in thesky could compare to them, even if the stars were juggled...
    looking into them gives me true delight...
    theyre just so damn bright...
    25 And it makes me realize the truth...
    Im absolutely and truly in love with you...
    you say you only hurt me...
    but i think its plain to see...
    your worth all of it...
    30 to me, this pain aint s**t...
    itll never make me quit...
    it wont make me want to, not one bit...
    your so perfect, yet so blind...
    your always on my mind...
    35 Casey Renee Hohler...
    your the girl of my dreams...
    for you, ill wait as long as it takes for you to see me as a lover...
    no matter how long it seems...
    you are my guardian angel, you keep me safe...
    40 ill go anywhere for you, even hell...
    just name the place...
    if you ever want my heart on a glass platter, well........
    consider it done... i dont need a moment to think it through...
    you gave my lfe meaning and fun...
    45 you made me realize what i feel for for you...
    a love sooo true...
    you finish my hearts song...
    ill be waiting right here for you, as long as you need me to be...
    but im hoping it won take too long...
    till your in love with me...
    50 the way i am with you...


    I love you...

    <3 forever and always and even after- gino...