• Twisting in the wind my memories haunt me.

    Lost inside a wondeless land I twist.

    Turning and turning looking for peace.

    All I find is emptiness and loneliness.

    In the end all I find is pain and darkness.

    The darkness that haunts my soul to the day.

    Hours pass as I walk the desert roads.

    Only to find the endless roads leading no where.

    The vultures circling in sky above me I wander.

    I struggled to stay away as the suns light shined in my face

    Haunted by these memories I wanted rest a I wanted it to end

    Then came a light as the end of the road as the sun settled behind me

    The light shined in my face it was a rescue squad all was not lost

    But one good thing did come of me being in the desert Do You Know?

    It was this: The dakness in my heart disappeared

    Finally free from an anchient curse I live to see another day

    The End...