• We were once so close
    Never seperated
    Always together
    Laughing and playing
    always so happy

    We'd play for hours
    Never getting tired
    Then fell asleep
    next to each other

    and when one cried
    the other would be right there
    and wouldnt leave until
    the other smiled and laughed

    When I was scared
    and felt all alone
    you were right there
    to fight off my fears
    and comfort me

    But now your gone
    and all I have to remind me
    of what used to be
    are the memories of you

    I cant seem to find
    the right words
    to describe how much pain
    that you have given me

    I try to tell myself that your gone and to move on
    I can live without you
    But to even think of it
    Makes me cry inside and out

    I dont want to live without you
    I need you, I need you so much
    I dont know why but I do
    So please come back to me
    My best friend

    I Want to hold you
    in my arms again
    I will find you
    One day I will
    Until then
    Dont forget me, Avery