• My friends, are always there,
    It dosen't matter what I wear,

    My friend, Mo,
    She's so mellow, never on the go,
    She's and artist, singer poet,
    She'll be famous, oh I know it,

    My friends, I keep them close,
    They do matter the most,

    My friend, Liz,
    She's calm and sweet, but get her mad shes like soda fizz,
    She helps me with problems, school and boy,
    But she's always full of joy,

    My friends, they're keepers,
    Just wait till you meet her,

    My friend, Zoey,
    She's oh so shy, but has to knowy,
    Everything, good or bad,
    But she's never sad,

    My friends, are there for me,
    Even when I have to pee,

    My friend, Riamyrie,
    She'll always be there for me,
    She knows what to do,
    Even when I have no clue.

    My friends, are always fun,
    Even when there's no sun,

    My friend, Harrison,
    She'll always includes everyone,
    She loves to draw,
    It makes me stand in awe,

    My friends, are here to stay,
    Even when I need to move out of the way,

    My friend, Ilda,
    She's so smart, it makes me say, ''duh'',
    She'll be my friend,
    Till the end,

    My friends, are oh so neat,
    from their head to their feet,

    My friend, Brittany P.
    She's so cool, and there for me,
    She's so awesome like a oppossom,

    My friends, i'll always love,
    'Cause there all way prettier than a dove,
    And they'll always do,
    And there here for you.

    To My Special Friends,
    Morgain, Liz, Zoey, Riamyrie, Harrison, Ilda, And Brittney