• There are many things i want, but nothing that i need.
    I can only rely on my dreams indeed for enjoyment in my life.
    I know it isn't right but what else if there for me?
    The life i have lead has ruined many others and that is why I suffer.

    My dreams come to me and bring me joy.
    My dreams come to me and bring me pain.
    Yet through them, I have managed to end much suffering.
    Because of my dreams, I can help others through their pain
    and end their suffering.

    These dreams have made me see the kind of man that i need to be.
    I can be the best friend that you ever have and will be with you til the end.
    The person I am now may have happened gradually over time,
    but it all started in my dreams, and in my mind.

    Sometimes, they can be a glimpse at someone's death.
    Mine made me take a look at my life and find what i have left.
    If not for my dreams I would've been in the mud lying and drowning
    in a pool of my own blood and my soul would've been left to wonder
    To wonder around on this earth forever.