• The birds
    do they realise
    just how lucky they are
    get a care?
    spread your wings
    soar higher and
    higher still
    until that problem
    that patch of
    complete darkness
    is just a speck
    on the multicoloured
    and rugged beauty
    of our entire world.

    The birds
    do they realise
    their primitive ease?
    just living
    and only thinking of ways
    to stay living
    that's all they need
    their birdy brains for.
    And when the weather's nice
    they take flight and bask
    in the warming rays
    of the glorious golden sun.
    And when the weather's gloomy and dark,
    still they take flight,
    faster now
    above the clouds
    back into the sun,
    flying and searching
    for another break
    where the sun can shine through

    The birds
    do they realise
    they never have
    the fear of falling?
    they simply hop out into space,
    and gracefully catch their
    bodies on the curve of the wind.
    When dark shadows reach out,
    they tilt their head
    back away, hopping on their talons,
    and launch into nothingness,
    and create something
    flying on nothing, never being afraid
    except for that time before they learn
    when the nothing is but dangerous space
    until they learn to turn that nothing
    into a something
    for all the birds to share.

    The birds
    do they realise
    how lucky they are
    that material things
    dont scar their innocence?
    that a need for fast cars and big houses
    turn other species
    into beings of greed?
    That no matter how much
    this other species gets
    and how much it could
    make for itself
    it gets babied,
    like a child
    it cries for others to
    create for it.

    The birds
    do they realise
    they can never break a heart?
    Or have one broken?
    beneath their beautifully coloured,
    feathery chests,
    fluttering little hearts spread
    warmth through their bodies.
    Untouched by manipulation and
    harsh feelings,
    life for them is simple.
    You live,
    try hard not to die.
    Find a mate, and have them for life.
    You dont have two mates.
    thats just the way it is.
    Its never questioned.
    Never tested.

    Do the birds know how lucky they are to not have turned out like us?