• She sits upon the grave of her love,
    Staring at the full moon above,
    Voice loud as she screams,
    A knife gripped tightly in her hand,
    She leaves moving fast across this land,
    Faces passing by,
    Picking out her next vitim to die,
    She is a vixen and a temptress,
    Making love then causeing a bloody mess,
    Slicing another beautiful throat,
    Wearing thier blood like a coat,
    She licks at her finger tips,
    The blood tasting sweet on her lips,
    Morning comes and she hides from the world,
    A beautiful sensual girl,
    Deadly to every male,
    Her looks and body will never fail,
    Seducing and tempting,
    Every male forever wanting,
    She goes to her lovers grave,
    Dropping to her knees wanting her life to be saved,
    Her body and soul so tired and weak,
    All she cares about is hearing her lover speak,
    'I love you' she hears in her mind,
    Her eyes jetting up just in time,
    A figure stand before,
    Urging her to kill even more,
    Ice blues eyes so cruel,
    An axe and dagger are her tools,
    She is the modern reaper,
    Taking you to pleasure then much deeper,
    Hopeing she can get into your head,
    For if she does you'll soon be dead.