• Dream Wings:

    I sit and wonder
    What it be like to soar
    To leave this world behind
    To find my dream world
    That place I go to every night
    That place I want more than anything
    Anything I want would be mine
    That place where I can do what I want
    If I want to be the Hero
    I spread my wings and take up arms against real Evil
    I take up arms against the enemies I write about
    As I fight I get Stronger
    As the Hero
    I would sacrifice myself in place of others
    And when My Side wins I will come back
    And those I protected would cheer me
    Applaud for me
    Love me
    Or I could be the Villain
    Destroying my enemies out of Anger
    Causing Chaos whenever I step
    And since it is my dream
    I can't be stopped
    I would rule the Universe
    But what fun would that be
    Complete Ruler
    Many Servants
    No Friends
    Just as I had Hated my enemies
    Now that I think
    I see
    I will be the Hero
    I will spread my Dream Wings
    And soar into Happiness
    In the place I dearly Love