• That day he had lay his hands on you
    is the day Ull never forget cuz it was true.

    you cry every day you think about it
    Yet you try to forget that one hit.

    One hit to make you bleed for the rest of ur life
    that one touch to make you pick up the knife.

    You sit there struggling wondering hold back or finish ur body off
    Yet u feel a pain so strong you see blood drip out of ur mouth and u start to cough

    Its too late Youve made your choice without even thinking
    And now your in ur own blood screaming while sinking.

    You never knew the way home...the way to live after he did that
    he treated you so bad you dont wat u are besides a mat

    You juss wanna get on ur knees and scream "HELP"
    but u feel nobody can hear u...not even a small yelp.

    So there you are gone..and nobody stopped you
    but did u know there was always someone watching? thats true

    Hes waiting for u to come to him for help only him nothing else will work for u
    If you hold tight and pray...he will come..before ur even due.