• Drop the phone for the last time
    I wish you could say "You're all mine"
    But life, love and tears are unforgiving
    As you drive away, and I wave to you
    I feel like this dream of mine
    This broken world on the mend
    Was never here

    I wish you could see me now
    See the things you missed
    The times we had
    Reflected in pictures of photographs
    The memories are still alive
    They flicker, but still survive

    Don't believe them
    When they say that it was over
    You've only been gone for a little while

    This isn't what you wanted
    Because this is what they said
    This isn't what I wanted
    For you to be left behind

    Sing me your sweet siren song
    So wrong, so wrong
    Read me your story
    Don't be so boring