• Cacophony splinters through the silenced horizon,
    A breach within the solemn rise.
    Cherry lips 'pon the sun-kissed flesh,
    Scorched with tragedy and my demise

    Undeniably enticing,
    Sensations you'll never be ridden of.
    Though you wish so wholly they would depart;
    Attempting to exfoliate this distorted wicked love...

    Come closer to me...
    Flawless pale, fragrant mind, smooth & soft,
    taking time.

    Dance with me...
    Joyous life, liberating smile, the rapid pulse of a
    loving heart.

    Lay with me...
    Holding still, timeless drift, couldn't bare to witness
    your traveling eyes

    Why won't you look at me?

    Rampant hours, days, years;
    Checked off one by one,
    Red X through the center of all that could be,
    Now destroyed and fallen to rubble amongst my battered corpse.

    Where are you?

    You know I never left...you know I'll never leave.
    Your only fallacy was the belief this was just some joke!

    Sick little stage,
    sick little play.

    Insanity birthed from the cremations of what you killed.
    You are to blame,
    My love...