• Running, raging, frightened afresh ... Hands awash with blood, flicking ... Crimson rain ... Scurrying, rushing ... Among shadows ... Away, away from her ... Along back alleys ... Side streets, darkened paths ... “What did you do?” ... A voice, echoing back ... Upon itself ... From no direction ... And all ... Losing volume as you run ... Halted, into him you skid ... Falter, fall ... Looking up at ... Angry emerald eyes ... Sparking under a frowning brow ... You sob, stutter ... Try to explain ... Your hands shake ... Scarlet rivulets ... Trickling earthwards ... Drying to dark rust ... Memories of flickering ... Blue and red ... Red and blue ... Coming ever closer ... You attempt retreat from this tyrant ... Into your own world ... It’s safe there ... No longer ... “What did you do?” ... This time a hiss ... Venomous, poisonous ... Building, burning, rage ... Trembles your frame ... As you stand ... To confront him ... “What I had to” ... A slap ... In the dark ... A dribble ... Of blood ... Down your lip ... She deserved every second ... Did he know it was her? ... She was the one responsible ... For the tubes ... In HIS lungs ... The needles and blood ... How HIS heart stopped ... The longest minutes of your life ... He wasn’t there ... Didn’t know ... She’ll get it now, understand ... The pain ... Of machines, hooked up, plugged in ... Under her skin ... Help to breathe ... Help to live ... You did that ... And are proud ... Weak, stunned ... You’re oblivious to his rant ... Mind whirring, working fast ... Reaching infuriating conclusions ... Surging with renewed energy ... Your already bloody, shining ... Blade ... He’s startled, hesitation ... It’s all you need ... One movement ... A thin, red line ... Appears, ‘cross his cheek ... From the lick ... Of your blade ... Adrenaline coursing ... His blade out now ... He swings, misses ... You skip sideways ... His side seeps blood ... At once ... Your blade slips ... In your soaked, slick palm ... His opening ... And he takes it ... Agonizing, burning ... Left palm flowing crimson ... Not her blood this time ... - Yours ... A choked gasp ... It’s all over ... He drops to his knees ... To where you have sunk ... Pulls the silvery edge free ... More blood ... Pulsing, gushing ... But no blue and red for you ... Your parents don't know ... The trouble you're in ... Tearing, splitting sound ... You look up confused ... To see his shirt ... Now tattered ... Warm hands ... Encompass your left ... Pressure with cloth ... To ease, to staunch ... The flow ... Of that ruby liquid ... Rushing ... To escape its fleshy prison ... Your blood ... Soaking, seeping through ... His shirt cloth ... He leads you ... To the house you know ... So intimately ... Anxious, questioning faces ... Then sweet oblivion ... Agony too much for your brain ... To handle ... So it shuts down for a while ... Shaken awake ... You remember ... Bitterly weeping as he guides you ... Homeward again ... Noiselessly passing ... Through the back door ... Alone now ... You avoid creaking stairs ... As you run your freshly bandaged palm, ... Gloved for secrecy, ... Up the banister ... Under your warm duvet ... Swiftly, silently ... You snuggle ... And wait for daybreak.