• Mad as hell rage going through my body nothing can seem to stop it.
    Head spinning, floor falling , i dont know what to do.
    You should be the one whos telling me its okay, go sleep get ure mind.

    But of course not, you arre one of the main problems causing it. I was sitting there for an hour seeing if we could go out and do stuff, you said you would ask , but no you never got back to me.

    You finaly got back to me obviously when it was too late. I say with you not knowing
    “ So are we going or not?” , while waiting for your msg i see in your pm, Friday, Saturday and sunday, Oh how this pissed me off madly.

    you reply No sad trying to act sad. But im knowing that your going to see your boyfriend and drink and lose your mind at a pit with him, of couse , like every single weekend.

    I am pissed at this moment, so i reply “ I didnt have my hopes up anyways.” thinking... Knowing that you would figure out somethings wrong.

    Then the 5 words of hell poped up. I blew my top. “ lol okay,,,Neither did I xD”
    There is no other words that i can speack of.
    All that is going throuigh my mind is wtf. Why is she acting this way.
    Were the closest of friends.... arnt we?

    Of Couse im not going to fuss about it, because when i fought with my other friend because of you , You said directly to me “ Now i see her true side..” Yeah at that moment i saw yours, i think id rather be on her side then yours.

    Mad, hurt , confused, jealousy ? ? all in one i hate this ,.... If i hate this does this mean im starting to hate.. you?