• This is our time, our chance
    Why won’t we take it?
    Are we afraid, nervous…
    That the world will collapse on us?

    Just take the risk
    Take it
    It’s all you’ve got

    Put on a lying smile
    False joy, dissolving hope
    At least you have something

    Try not to think about it
    Just do, it’s best that way
    When you don’t have to look in their eyes
    When they don’t know you’re deceiving them

    Just take the risk
    Take it,
    You have nothing else

    Push aside the willing stares
    Forget about them
    Hurry, before they come and find you

    Lie through your teeth
    Whisper to their ears
    Tell them they’ll be alright

    Just take the risk
    Take it
    You have nothing left to lose