• The girl decided to kill herself she didn't know why.
    The girl grabbed the knife out of the drawer.
    The girl looked around at her surroundings before she decided to commit suicide.
    The girl remembered all the pain that she went through, how they would tease her and beat her and even hurt her sexually.
    The girl realized then that even if her life felt like trash didn't mean it had to stay that way.
    The girl slowly lowered the knife it felt like time was passing slower by the minute.
    The girl took lessons on self defense she learned to stand her ground, to be more open with others, she made more friends. She still wore the same dark,black, punk rocker clothes just a different attitude.
    The girl didn't realize then, but she was pregnant.
    The girl went through all of the suffering to try to stay alive.
    The girl had a miscarriage and felt more pain.
    The girl went to therapy and had it rough but she made it through.
    The girl was a very strong willed, determined, fighter of a girl.
    The girl found the knife many years later she thought back to the times depressing fear and she threw it so far away she never saw it land through the fog outside her house.
    The girl grew up she led a successful life, she got married, had a child and adopted.
    The girl helped people who had thoughts of suicide like she once had.
    The girl lived on forever in my memories.
    The girl was a legend forever in our hearts.
    The girl was a bit similar to me. (in very small ways though)