• I stood before and i stand now
    istand for my people, livin life waitin for the sequel
    i stand for myself, livin life, trying not to depend on so much help
    i stand for the future, livin life even though im not sure what to do
    I stand for the past, livin life thinkin of the memories, wishin they would last forever

    I stood for the goo, in a neighborhood, that would become my home
    i stood for my childhood, when i was alone and unknown
    i stood for my friends that stuck by me to the very end
    i stood for my family, that belived in me when i didnt even believe in myself

    I stood for the past, i stand for the present, will i stand in the future, im not sure, but i will keep standing for as long as i can, u might not understand, but i dont mind, ill be misunderstood